7 Figure Challenge is a SCAM!! Честный Обзор!


Forget about the 7 Figure Challenge because it’s a scam! In this review we gathered enough evidence to conclude that 7FigureChallenge.com by Martin Taylor is worthless. На самом деле, this picture of the alleged Martin Taylor was also used by older scam, в 7 Figure Club as exposed on IveTriedThat.com. Это “Clubdomain is for sale now and developers who are behind this fake binary options software are back for a 2nd round.

We found a positive review for the 7 Figure Challenge via Google search, on the first page and at the top but if you look deeper into it, you will find that websites such as itdecs.com are giving every software a positive rating and 5 stars, which is not objective and definitely not a sign of credibility. Can you really trust the site? We certainly hope that our honest review will reach as many people as possible, sharing and commenting can always help and we encourage you to help us spread this important warning, it’s a duty if you’ve been scammed or if you already have an experience trading with 7FigureChallenge.com.

Before we go any further, you should know that in a few honest reviews, в 7 Figure Challenge was already exposed but since BinaryOptionsWATCHDOG.trade is followed by thousands of online traders, we have our own duty to make sure that our world-wide readers will avoid bogus offers.

You’re about to make $1,000,000 in the next 27 days guaranteed!” sure

It took us not more than a few seconds to identify flaws, the type of elements we consider to be ‘strong red-flagsand NEVER appear on legitimate binary options services. 1) Members are being pushed to join the 7 Figure Challenge within 2 minutes as if it’sthe last chancebut if you refresh the page or visit the site tomorrow, you will notice the same pressure tactic. 2) “Memberships leftcount down, which again goes to show how this 100% scam was created in order to get new day-traders to sign-up quickly before they might stumble upon a real review or take a moment to think twice. If you are wondering why the annoying pop-up on 7FigureChallenge.com is not letting go, know that they are trying to capture your email and this is one of their main goals since even if you don’t end up joining the 7 Figure Challenge, they can still solicit other future scam apps and software in the future via email marketing.


For those who are seriously considering to trade binary options or FX, you must approach this profession with reasoning and caution as you’re not only dealing with potential scam offers, but you’re working with high risk and high profit trades, with an expiry ranging from 60 seconds to a few hours with most brokers. If you are not careful and/or join the first service that looks good to you, consider that you may lose at least $250 and some traders report thousands of dollars in losses after joining shady brokers or automated signals services with crazy promises, for example”$1,000,000 в месяц” as promised by the 7 Figure Challenge scam-artists.

Трейдеры, ask yourself why isMartin Taylornot offering any real way to verify his existence? Why are you only being delivered with promises and no solid evidence of real success? We will not even go into all the other pictures that were faked, but if the owner himself is using a fake name and picture, can you really trust anything else you’re being told? We know that many day-traders are new and may have heard that it’s possible to make a lot of money with online trading, it’s true but you won’t make it with a money-making schemes such as the 7 Figure Challenge.

Пересмотр Приговора: 7 Figure Challenge is a SCAM!

Watchdog’s Trusted Low Deposit Broker Review

For better alternatives we encourage our visitors to check-out Watchdog’s Trusted Signals page. If you’ve been burnt out by a scam, you might be surprised but there are great signals providers in the industry. We gathered feedback from 1000’s of traders around the world and tested various services, but for the most part you will find them listed on our Blacklist so always remember to do your research! Пожалуйста, поделитесь вашей обратной связи, questions or results below this review and good luck with your trading.

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