Profit Magnet is a SCAM!


Forget about making a $1000 every day with the Profit Magnet software, it’s a complete scam! Read this important review unless you are interested to wipe out your account balance with a bogus software. The website in question is and the authenticity of it is certainly questionable which is why we decided to post this warning.

Update: Magnetic Profit Review (New scam and very similar)

First time we visited the Profit Magnet was yesterday, it was the last chance to join! Today we decided to visit the website again prior to the release of this review, in “surprisinglyagain we noticed that it’s the last opportunity to join, which clearly indicates that we’re either dealing with a software developer who is stuck in a ‘time loopor a misleading scam. The second option seems more suitable to Profit Magnet but let’s go over some important facts before we conclude this review.

The testimonials, Predsednik UPRAVE & Team & ITM performance results are either fake or completely unverifiable! Aaron Martin, the allegedFounder”, is not the person in the picture below. It’s a stock photo, purchased from the website, “Aaron Martinis actually a picture model. Evidence can be found here: (link to the specific Arron Martin picture) Evidently we are clearly not dealing with the Profit Magnet Team, a more appropriate name would be theMaggots Team”…at best!


Before this review we decided to ‘Google picture searchJeff Mathews, Steve Robinson and all the rest of the individuals who are allegedly behind the Profit Magnet service, as expected and just as we exposed Aaron Martin, they are not real identities. This a common denominator and a serious Red Flag scam sites are implementing as they rather stay under the radar. If was any good, the software would most likely get better publicity on reliable forums and blogs, but instead we found a few warnings pointing to the same conclusion. Do not believe any of the generic-looking blogs that are giving this fake service a positive review, no one was able to provide you with any evidence leading to a firm conclusion that this software can generate profits for day-traders and if the narrative, testimonials and everything else is based on lies, you should stay away from it and any similar offer with misleading statements and manipulative business tactics.

Nazadnje, we want to point out to the main promise: “Is it REALLY possible to turn $11 into $220 EVERY HOUR? Over 87 new members around the world would say…DA,!” If this was true, those members would gladly endorse Profit Magnet but since even the owner himself is not a real guy, can we really expect much?

Razsodbo: Profit Magnet is a SCAM!

Binary options trading is a great way to make money but you can easily lose and unfortunately in this industry and in any industry where a lot of money is involved, scam services such as the Profit Magnet surface routinely. Our goal is to inform newbie day-traders and deter those who are one step before falling for a fraud.

Help us spread the word out by sharing and posting your comments and feedback below our Profit Magnet review. If you are interested in day-trading, first we encourage you to visit Watchdog’s Blacklist and avoid any websites we previously exposed. For better alternatives, obisk Watchdog’s Recommended Signals, we test binary options services we trust and rely on feedback from users.

Test your skills with a Free Demo Account, Available in the USA.

Interested to file a complaint against a fraudulent offer? Email our team and we will gladly assist you fight any scam at no cost. The more information we gather on the way scams operate, the faster we can inform the public and put them out of bubsiness. Thank you for taking a few moments to read this warning and stay safe!

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